February 22, 2023
Europe's carbon price hits a record high of 100 euros per tonEurope's carbon price hits a record high of 100 euros per ton
February 22, 2023
Europe's carbon price hits a record high of 100 euros per tonEurope's carbon price hits a record high of 100 euros per ton
February 20, 2023
The first in the country! Central University Establishes Sustainable Green Energy CollegeThe first in the country! Central University Establishes Sustainable Green Energy College
January 10, 2023
2050 net zero goal entered into the law, and the carbon fee will be levied on 287 large carbon emitters in 2024The third reading of the Climate Change Response Act, the 2050 net zero goal entered into the law, and the carbon fee will be levied on 287 large carbon emitters in 2024
December 29, 2022
2030 carbon reduction revised up to 24%, energy storage up to 5.5GW2030 carbon reduction revised up to 24%, energy storage up to 5.5GW
December 23, 2022
Zhangbin energy storage site starts construction and Taipower will be connected to the grid in August next yearGrab green energy business opportunities! Zhangbin energy storage site starts construction and Taipower will be connected to the grid in August next year
December 1, 2022
Taiwan's energy storage business opportunities are exploding, who can win the big order!Taiwan's energy storage business opportunities are exploding, who can win the big order!